Egy hosszú szünet után visszatértunk. Vigyáznunk kellett a kedves nagymamámra és az édesanyukámra. Nem volt könnyú dolgom de tul lehetett élni.
Közben kicsit depis lettem és rájöttem, hogy azért mert nem követem az álmaimat. Rádiózni kéne fiatalember!
Úgyhogy padlógáz van itt. Új ötletek, álmok, podcastek. Az egyik álmom szerepelt egy blogon ami az amerikai elnök jelöltekről szól. Jó pofa. Nezzétek meg!
És olvashatjátok az én álmomat lent.
There's a really neat set of blogs about US presidential candidate dreams and they've just posted my weird dream about calling Hillary Clinton from Budapest. Click "read more" for more.
There are some wonderful blogs being compiled of the dreams people are having of US presidential candidates by a writer in the US named Sheila Heti. Sheila, who's incidentally of Hungarian origin, just wrote me to tell that she's posted my dream about Hillary Clinton on her blog "I Dream of Hillary - Real Dreams People Have Had About The Political Candidate Hillary Clinton".
Here's my dream:
A journalist or some kind of insider provides me with Hillary's cell phone number. Without thinking about what time it is in the States, I call her at once. I'm feeling a bit shocked that this is really Hillary's cell phone number, but she answers -- it's her voice. I want to tell her not to play so dirty in the campaign, but then I realize that there's no way she's going to listen to me. So I tell her that I think she should use good karma in the campaign. Then I get scared and hang up and realize that it's probably about 3 in the morning her time.
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